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  • Picture of a Fighter with Mobile from Senegal

    #NAMA4PD Documentary 2023

    Finally the #NAMA4PD documentary it is out! We are happy to be able to show you the #NAMA4PD concept this way.Watch the new documentary to learn more about what we're trying to accomplish and how we're working to engage the…

  • #NAMA4PD Ziguinchor workshop – Cooperation criteria

    Preparation for future content work Ziguinchor - Fighting disinformation was a hot topic during the second and final workshop of the project, which took place in Casamance. The workshop was based on the results of the first workshop, the network already…

  • Picture of a little Drum Boy from Senegal

    #NAMA4PD Trailer 2023

    This trailer gives a short introduction to the concept of #NAMA4PD. We want to understand what role does traditional media and the new digital mobile media play in the emergence of conflicts, how interested parties, like insurgent groups, like foreign…

  • Workshop with AHDIS

    #NAMA4PD First workshop – Situational Mapping

    NAMA4PD kickoff with situational mapping Dakar – Following the launch of measures to develop a intersectoral and interreligious Conflict Prevention Task Force in September 2022,  the first of two workshops - #NAMA4PD Situational Mapping - took place in Dakar, Senegal,…

  • Photo of the PLA-Team for #NAMA4PD

    #NAMA4PD and Development of a Conflict Prevention Task Force

    Interfaith and cross-sector is key As a part of our Narrative Management for Peace through Dialogue (#NAMA4PD) concept, we began developing measures in September 2022 to create an interfaith and cross-sector Conflict Prevention Task Force as a key to peacebuilding…

  • Meeting at UNESCO Nairobi Office for BMBF research project

    Nairobi – In a first meeting at UNESCO Nairobi, Freie Universität Berlin project manager Matthias Duchscherer and Project Lighthouse Kenya Deputy Country Director Enrico Scharrenberg discussed collaboration options with Jaco Du Toit, Advisor for Communications and Information at the UNESCO…

  • International Research Project on ICT-based Local Information and Communication Systems for Sustaining Development

    In a project funded by the German Ministry of Research and Education an international research team is currently exploring the viability of an international comparative research project on the use of digital and mobile media in European and African countries. The research…

  • Graphic for Maize Farm Development Project

    Integrated and Sustaining Mill and Farm Development Project in Kenya

    A sustainable and efficient agriculture, quantitative and qualitative increase in production of small and smallest farmer, better access to markets, transport of products from rural areas to the market centers and a crisis resistant supply of the population with staple…

  • Image of Ambassador Walter Johannes Lindner

    German – East African Media Dialog in Nairobi

    Nairobi – Which role does the media in east Africa play at domestic crisis’ and how does clanship and ethnical influences affect coverage? What chances do net based social media offer for a stronger participative, civil-social dialog?These were the central…

  • Group Picture of Capital FM

    Editors’ Coaching at Capital FM 98,4

    Nairobi – In a two day editors‘coaching, in June 2009, Matthias Duchscherer consulted editors and reporters of Capital FM in Nairobi. The radio station is one of the biggest and most successful radio stations in Kenya. Focus of the coaching was improvement…

  • Lecture at University of Nairobi

    Nairobi – Which impact had mobile communication and internet during post election crisis in Kenya? At University of Nairobi Matthias Duchscherer lectured about the relevance of social media in intrastate crises. In a lively discussion about 70 students, research assistants…

  • Research project: Relevance of mobile communication and internet at domestic crisis

    Kenya –What is the role of the media in Eastern Africa at domestic crisis? What chances do net-based social media offer for a more participative, civil-social dialogue? In an explorative field study (Dec 2007 – Apr 2008), Matthias Duchscherer dealt…

  • Dresden Banjul Organisation and Project Lighthouse Gambia in Wellingara

    Pilot Project: Operation at Wellingara

    Background In common with many African countries the Gambia has a solid waste problem, which not only threatens the environment of this West African country, but also harms the health of its people.The situation can only be described as dramatic.…

  • Picture of the ICT Group

    First Advanced ICT Training Camp for the region

    The world of Information Communication Technology is one of the fastest growing industries on the globe. In recent times, Africa has proven itself to be a true contender in the ICT industry where the East African region most especially, has…

  • Picture of burning areas at Bakoteh landfill

    Landfill and bio gas CHP unit at Bakoteh dumpsite

    As many African countries, Gambia has a waste problem, which not only threatens the environment of the West African country, but which does also affect the population’s health. Therefore, Project Lighthouse Gambia (PLG) is engaged with a Clean Development Mechanism…

  • Logo Dresden Banjul Organisation

    Collaboration between Project Lighthouse Gambia and Dresden Banjul Organisation (DBO)

    Sukuta – In August 2012 Project Lighthouse Gambia and Dresden Banjul Organisation (DBO) have agreed on a close collaboration, fostering and implementing joint environmental protection, waste management and public awareness projects in the Gambia. DBO is operating as a registered…

  • Picture of a man analysing waste log files

    Waste flow database presented to KMC

    Kanifing – In June 2012 Matthias Duchscherer, President of Project Lighthouse Africa, and Dr. Yves Lamour, University of the Gambia, presented first analytic results of the established waste flow database to Kanifing Municipal Council during their plenary meeting. Currently Project…

  • Picture of Methan Measuring

    Chief Engineer inspects landfill

    Bakoteh – On behalf of Project Lighthouse Africa e.V. Lead Engineer Dipl.-Ing. Klaus-Arno Herzberg carried out a first survey and measure¬ment of gas potential of the Waste Disposal Site Bakoteh at the end of 2011. High level talks with KMC…

  • First Green Desert workshop and researches at PLG’s Training and Knowledge Centre (VTC)

    New Yundum – During a first Green Desert workshop in May 2011 a team from Project Lighthouse Africa’s partner organisation Green Desert e.V. has trained volunteer workers from Project Lighthouse Gambia’s Vocational Training and Knowledge Centre (VTC) at New Yundum…

  • MoU between Project Lighthouse Africa and KMC

    CDM project at Bakoteh: MoU between Project Lighthouse Africa / Gambia and KMC

    Kanifing – With the joint signature of the Memorandum of Understanding between Kanifing Municipality Council, Project Lighthouse Gambia and Project Lighthouse Africa e.V. the foundation has been laid for the landfill gas combined heat and power (CHP) unit project at…