Project Lighthouse Africa e.V.

Securing Futures,
Building Resilience,
Empowering Communities.

Our concept of development cooperation follows the comprehensive approach (integrated approach) and is based on the nexus security – communication – perspective development.
At Project Lighthouse Africa (PLA), we are committed to fostering sustainable development, resilience, and stability in African communities through an integrated approach that links security, communication, and perspective-building.

Our key initiatives include:
WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene): Ensuring access to clean drinking water through innovative and solar based desalination and treatment solutions.
Social Information Hubs: Establishing trusted community platforms for reliable information exchange, strengthening resilience against disinformation.
NAMA4PD (Narrative Management for Peace through Dialogue): A science-based strategy to combat propaganda, disinformation, and hate speech, contributing to peace and stability in conflict-prone regions.
You have to go there. You’ve to listen and learn, to adapt your approach to the local situation. And you must intend to stay.
We work with local and international partners, combining charitable and commercial elements to create self-sustaining projects that make a lasting impact.

Project Lighthouse Africa is a registered association based in Berlin, Germany.
Logo ostbayrische technische Hochschule
Logo Freie Universität Berlin
Project Lighthouse Africa

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