Project Lighthouse Africa e.V.
A Discussion Workshop in Social Entrepreneurship

Social Entrepreneurship Workshop at Ilmenau University of Technology

How can Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) benefit from the emerging crowd funding strategies? Where are the chances, where are the challenges?

In May 2011 master students from the social entrepreneurship seminar at Ilmenau Technical University and Matthias Duchscherer, president of Project Lighthouse Africa e.V., discussed proposals for a Project Lighthouse Africa crowd funding and promotion strategy. The workshop is the result of a cooperation between the Department of Media Management at Institute of Media and Communication Science (and Project Lighthouse Africa (PLA).

After a keynote presentation and introduction into PLA’s objectives, goals, activities and working areas, PLA president and the students discussed the communication and fundraising strategies of the registered association. In an intergroup development the students worked out their proposals and presented them to seminar leader Dennis Brüntje and the PLA representative.      

Matthias Duchscherer enjoyed the return to his former domain at Institute of Media and Communication Science, where he worked as a research assistant and lecturer in the field of Journalism, Public Relations and Intercultural Communication.  

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