Kenya –What is the role of the media in Eastern Africa at domestic crisis? What chances do net-based social media offer for a more participative, civil-social dialogue?
In an explorative field study, Matthias Duchscherer dealt with the relevance of mobile communication and internet at domestic crisis using the example of the post-election-crisis in Kenya. Methodical basis of the study was the participating observance and qualitative in-depth interviews a.o. with bloggers, journalists, connoisseurs of the political scene and recipients of hate-sms.
Results of the study were presented by Matthias Duchscherer at University of Nairobi and the German-East African Media Dialogue in Nairobi in May 2009. The conference, at which journalists and scientists of Germany and East Africa participated in, was organized by the Institute for International Cultural Relations (ifa). Further information can be found on the website of the International Research Group on Crisis Communication (IRGoCC) under the column of research projects.